Wellness W.R.K.S. LLC
Wellness W.R.K.S. LLC
Vision and Purpose
Vision and Purpose
We are committed to promoting wellness and recovery in physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Through our services, we hope to empower and assist participants with bringing about lifestyle changes.
We help participants to increase their awareness of healing strategies and techniques for the different levels of burden. Additionally, we are equally dedicated to assisting in the creation of peaceable communities.
Creativity and Innovation
Creativity and Innovation
Wellness Wrks creatively integrates Recreational Therapy, Wellness Education and Restorative Practices to provide a holistic experience for participant personal growth. The experiences offered through workshops, trainings, conferences and individual coaching sessions are with a diversity, equity and inclusion lens, that is trauma informed.
We provide our services for:
- University Employees
- College Students
- Young Adult Mentoring
- Individual Coaching Sessions
- Infinity Groups
- Focus Groups
- Community Organizations
- Businesses and Corporations
- District School Systems
- Healthcare Networks
- Professional Staff Development Training
- Program Curriculum design
- Conferences
- Special Events
- Staff Retreats
Sample workshops that are available:
- Leadership and Energy Management
- Healing Communication
- Recreation is My Therapy
- Transforming Conflict
- Restoratively speaking
- The "I am" in Inclusion
- Sankofa Self-care
- Diversity & Wellness Wheel Party
- Healing Through the Creative Arts
- Stress Desserts Spelled Backwards
- Your Soul Purpose
- Woke Wellness