Wellness W.R.K.S. LLC
Wellness W.R.K.S. LLC
Meet Tracey A. Smith
Meet Tracey A. Smith
Creative Experience
Creative Experience
Tracey A. Smith, M.Ed., CTRS is the owner of Wellness Wrks LLC. She is a certified Recreational Therapist, Wellness Educator, Restorative Practices Circle Facilitator and program consultant with extensive experience in the behavioral health field.
Specializing in professional development training, workshops, and program curriculum development, she has been certified in the Pennsylvania state since 1983 through the National Council of Therapeutic Recreation Certification (NCTRC).
Tracey has served university, state, municipal, community-based, and healthcare institutions as well as profit and nonprofit agencies. Her services are also available to universities, business and community agencies through Wellness in the Workplace. To bring about a sense of well-being , Tracey enjoys relaxing at a scenic place, going to the beach, and collecting crystals and rocks. For more information about Tracey view Linkedin
In addition Tracey is a member of The Resiliency Center a healing arts collaborative for healing education and community. For more information, please visit their official website. She also serves as a Restorative Practices Circle F acilitator for Restorative Cities Phila. through Metropolitan Christian Council of Phila. See website. Tracey volunteers as a board member of the Green St. Friends School as well as a community agencies Men Who Care, ARCS (Associated Resources for Community Schools and E.M.I.R. (Every Murder is Real) Healing Center.
Client Testimonials
Client Testimonials